diff --git a/ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper/ScheduledTasks/FingerprinterTask.cs b/ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper/ScheduledTasks/FingerprinterTask.cs
index bb125e2..26769e9 100644
--- a/ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper/ScheduledTasks/FingerprinterTask.cs
+++ b/ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper/ScheduledTasks/FingerprinterTask.cs
@@ -244,17 +244,19 @@ public class FingerprinterTask : IScheduledTask
Plugin.Instance!.Intros[intro.Key] = intro.Value;
+ }
+ // Only run the second pass if the user hasn't requested cancellation and we found an intro
+ if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && everFoundIntro)
+ {
+ // Run a second pass over this season to remove outliers and fix episodes that failed in the first pass.
+ RunSecondPass(season.Value);
+ }
+ lock (_introsLock)
+ {
- if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested || !everFoundIntro)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Reanalyze this season to check for (and hopefully correct) outliers and failed episodes.
- CheckSeason(season.Value);
@@ -478,7 +480,7 @@ public class FingerprinterTask : IScheduledTask
/// Looks for and fixes intro durations that were either not found or are statistical outliers.
/// List of episodes that was just analyzed.
- private void CheckSeason(List episodes)
+ private void RunSecondPass(List episodes)
var intros = Plugin.Instance!.Intros;
@@ -539,9 +541,8 @@ public class FingerprinterTask : IScheduledTask
// Ensure that the most frequently seen bucket has a majority
- // TODO: change to debug
percentValid = (maxBucket.Count * 100) / validCount;
- _logger.LogInformation(
+ _logger.LogDebug(
"Intro duration {Duration} appeared {Frequency} times ({Percent}%)",
@@ -552,22 +553,29 @@ public class FingerprinterTask : IScheduledTask
- _logger.LogInformation("Reanalyzing {Count} episodes", totalCount - maxBucket.Count);
+ _logger.LogDebug("Second pass is processing {Count} episodes", totalCount - maxBucket.Count);
- // TODO: pick two episodes at random
- var lhs = episodes.Find(x => x.EpisodeId == maxBucket.Episodes[1]);
- if (lhs is null)
+ // Calculate a range of intro durations that are most likely to be correct.
+ var maxEpisode = episodes.Find(x => x.EpisodeId == maxBucket.Episodes[0]);
+ if (maxEpisode is null)
- _logger.LogError("Reanalysis failed to get episode from bucket");
+ _logger.LogError("Second pass failed to get episode from bucket");
- var lhsFingerprint = _fingerprintCache[lhs.EpisodeId];
- var lhsDuration = GetIntroDuration(lhs.EpisodeId);
+ var lhsDuration = GetIntroDuration(maxEpisode.EpisodeId);
var (lowTargetDuration, highTargetDuration) = (
lhsDuration - ReanalysisTolerance,
lhsDuration + ReanalysisTolerance);
+ // TODO: add limit and make it customizable
+ var count = maxBucket.Episodes.Count - 1;
+ var goodFingerprints = new List>();
+ foreach (var id in maxBucket.Episodes)
+ {
+ goodFingerprints.Add(_fingerprintCache[id]);
+ }
foreach (var episode in episodes)
// Don't reanalyze episodes from the max bucket
@@ -584,7 +592,7 @@ public class FingerprinterTask : IScheduledTask
// If the episode's intro duration is close enough to the targeted bucket, leave it alone.
if (Math.Abs(lhsDuration - oldDuration) <= ReanalysisTolerance)
- _logger.LogInformation(
+ _logger.LogDebug(
"Not reanalyzing episode {Path} (intro is {Initial}, target is {Max})",
Math.Round(oldDuration, 2),
@@ -600,35 +608,40 @@ public class FingerprinterTask : IScheduledTask
// Analyze the episode again, ignoring whatever is returned for the known good episode.
- var (_, newRhs) = FingerprintEpisodes(
- lhs.EpisodeId,
- lhsFingerprint,
- episode.EpisodeId,
- _fingerprintCache[episode.EpisodeId]);
- // Ensure that the new intro duration is within the targeted bucket and longer than what was found previously.
- var newDuration = Math.Round(newRhs.IntroEnd - newRhs.IntroStart, 2);
- if (newDuration < oldDuration || newDuration < lowTargetDuration || newDuration > highTargetDuration)
+ foreach (var lhsFingerprint in goodFingerprints)
+ var (_, newRhs) = FingerprintEpisodes(
+ maxEpisode.EpisodeId,
+ lhsFingerprint,
+ episode.EpisodeId,
+ _fingerprintCache[episode.EpisodeId]);
+ // Ensure that the new intro duration is within the targeted bucket and longer than what was found previously.
+ var newDuration = Math.Round(newRhs.IntroEnd - newRhs.IntroStart, 2);
+ if (newDuration < oldDuration || newDuration < lowTargetDuration || newDuration > highTargetDuration)
+ {
+ _logger.LogDebug(
+ "Ignoring reanalysis for {Path} (was {Initial}, now is {New})",
+ shortPath,
+ oldDuration,
+ newDuration);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // TODO: change to debug
- "Ignoring reanalysis for {Path} (was {Initial}, now is {New})",
+ "Reanalysis succeeded for {Path} (was {Initial}, now is {New})",
- continue;
- }
+ lock (_introsLock)
+ {
+ Plugin.Instance!.Intros[episode.EpisodeId] = newRhs;
+ }
- // TODO: change to debug
- _logger.LogInformation(
- "Reanalysis succeeded for {Path} (was {Initial}, now is {New})",
- shortPath,
- oldDuration,
- newDuration);
- lock (_introsLock)
- {
- Plugin.Instance!.Intros[episode.EpisodeId] = newRhs;
+ break;