import argparse, os, time from selenium import webdriver from import By from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys # Driver function def main(): # Parse CLI arguments and store in a dictionary parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-host", help="Jellyfin server address with protocol and port.") parser.add_argument("-username", help="Username.") parser.add_argument("-password", help="Password.") parser.add_argument("-name", help="Name of episode to search for.") parser.add_argument( "--tests", help="Space separated list of Selenium tests to run.", type=str, nargs="+" ) parser.add_argument( "--browsers", help="Space separated list of browsers to run tests with.", type=str, nargs="+", choices=["chrome", "firefox"], ) args = parser.parse_args() server = { "host":, "username": args.username, "password": args.password, "episode":, "browsers": args.browsers, "tests": args.tests, } # Print the server info for debugging and run the test print() print(f"Browsers: {server['browsers']}") print(f"Address: {server['host']}") print(f"Username: {server['username']}") print(f"Episode: \"{server['episode']}\"") print(f"Tests: {server['tests']}") print() # Setup the list of drivers to run tests with if server["browsers"] is None: print("[!] --browsers is required") exit(1) drivers = [] if "chrome" in server["browsers"]: drivers = [("", "Chrome")] if "firefox" in server["browsers"]: drivers.append(("", "Firefox")) # Test with all selected drivers for driver in drivers: print(f"[!] Starting new test run using {driver[1]}") test_server(server, driver[0], driver[1]) print() # Main server test function def test_server(server, executor, driver_type): # Configure Selenium to use a remote driver print(f"[+] Configuring Selenium to use executor {executor} of type {driver_type}") opts = None if driver_type == "Chrome": opts = webdriver.ChromeOptions() elif driver_type == "Firefox": opts = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown driver type {driver_type}") driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=executor, options=opts) try: # Wait up to two seconds when finding an element before reporting failure driver.implicitly_wait(2) # Login to Jellyfin driver.get(make_url(server, "/")) print(f"[+] Authenticating as {server['username']}") login(driver, server) if "skip_button" in server["tests"]: # Play the user specified episode and verify skip intro button functionality. This episode is expected to: # * already have been analyzed for an introduction # * have an introduction at the beginning of the episode print("[+] Testing skip intro button") test_skip_button(driver, server) print("[+] All tests completed successfully") finally: # Unconditionally end the Selenium session driver.quit() def login(driver, server): # Append the Enter key to the password to submit the form us = server["username"] pw = server["password"] + Keys.ENTER # Fill out and submit the login form driver.find_element(By.ID, "txtManualName").send_keys(us) driver.find_element(By.ID, "txtManualPassword").send_keys(pw) def test_skip_button(driver, server): print(f" [+] Searching for episode \"{server['episode']}\"") search = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".headerSearchButton") if driver.capabilities["browserName"] == "firefox": # Work around a FF bug where the search element isn't considered clickable right away time.sleep(1) # Click the search button # Type the episode name driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".searchfields-txtSearch").send_keys( server["episode"] ) # Click the first episode in the search results driver.find_element( By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".searchResults button[data-type='Episode']" ).click() # Wait for the episode page to finish loading by searching for the episode description (overview) driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".overview") print(f" [+] Waiting for playback to start") # Click the play button in the toolbar driver.find_element( By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.mainDetailButtons span.play_arrow" ).click() # Wait for playback to start by searching for the lower OSD control bar driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".osdControls") # Let the video play a little bit so the position before clicking the button can be logged print(" [+] Playing video") time.sleep(2) screenshot(driver, "skip_button_pre_skip") assert_video_playing(driver) # Find the skip intro button and click it, logging the new video position after the seek is preformed print(" [+] Clicking skip intro button") driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "button.btnSkipIntro").click() time.sleep(1) screenshot(driver, "skip_button_post_skip") assert_video_playing(driver) # Keep playing the video for a few seconds to ensure that: # * the intro was successfully skipped # * video playback continued automatically post button click print(" [+] Verifying post skip position") time.sleep(4) screenshot(driver, "skip_button_post_play") assert_video_playing(driver) # Utility functions def make_url(server, url): final = server["host"] + url print(f"[+] Navigating to {final}") return final def screenshot(driver, filename): dest = f"screenshots/{filename}.png" driver.save_screenshot(dest) # Returns the current video playback position and if the video is paused. # Will raise an exception if playback is paused as the video shouldn't ever pause when using this plugin. def assert_video_playing(driver): ret = driver.execute_script( """ const video = document.querySelector("video"); return { "position": video.currentTime, "paused": video.paused }; """ ) if ret["paused"]: raise Exception("Video should not be paused") print(f" [+] Video playback position: {ret['position']}") return ret main()