# Intro Skipper (beta)
Analyzes the audio of television episodes to detect and skip over intros.
If you use the custom web interface on your server, you will be able to click a skip button to skip intros, like this:

However, if you use Jellyfin clients that do not use the web interface provided by the server, the plugin can be configured to automatically skip intros.
Plugin versions older than v0.1.5.0 require `fpcalc` to be installed.
## Introduction requirements
Show introductions will only be detected if they are:
* Located within the first 25% of an episode, or the first 10 minutes, whichever is smaller
* At least 20 seconds long
## Step 1: Install the modified web interface (optional)
This step is only necessary if you do not use the automatic skip feature.
1. Run the `ghcr.io/confusedpolarbear/jellyfin-intro-skipper` container just as you would any other Jellyfin container
1. If you reuse the configuration data from another container, **make sure to create a backup first**.
2. Follow the plugin installation steps below
## Step 2: Install the plugin
1. Add this plugin repository to your server: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConfusedPolarBear/intro-skipper/master/manifest.json`
2. Install the Intro Skipper plugin from the General section
3. Restart Jellyfin
4. Go to Dashboard -> Scheduled Tasks -> Analyze Episodes and click the play button
5. After a season has completed analyzing, play some episodes from it and observe the results
1. Status updates are logged before analyzing each season of a show
## Containerless installation
If you do not run Jellyfin as a container, you will need to follow the [native installation](docs/native.md) instructions.