namespace ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
/// Detailed statistics about the last analysis operation performed. All times are represented as milliseconds.
public class AnalysisStatistics
/// Gets the number of episodes that have been analyzed so far.
public ThreadSafeInteger TotalAnalyzedEpisodes { get; } = new ThreadSafeInteger();
/// Gets or sets the number of episodes that need to be analyzed.
public int TotalQueuedEpisodes { get; set; }
/// Gets the number of times a quick scan successfully located a pair of introductions.
public ThreadSafeInteger QuickScans { get; } = new ThreadSafeInteger();
/// Gets the number of times a full scan successfully located a pair of introductions.
public ThreadSafeInteger FullScans { get; } = new ThreadSafeInteger();
/// Gets the total CPU time spent waiting for audio fingerprints to be generated.
public ThreadSafeInteger FingerprintCPUTime { get; } = new ThreadSafeInteger();
/// Gets the total CPU time spent analyzing fingerprints in the initial pass.
public ThreadSafeInteger FirstPassCPUTime { get; } = new ThreadSafeInteger();
/// Gets the total CPU time spent analyzing fingerprints in the second pass.
public ThreadSafeInteger SecondPassCPUTime { get; } = new ThreadSafeInteger();
/// Gets the total task runtime across all threads.
public ThreadSafeInteger TotalCPUTime { get; } = new ThreadSafeInteger();
/// Gets the total task runtime as measured by a clock.
public ThreadSafeInteger TotalTaskTime { get; } = new ThreadSafeInteger();
/// Convenience wrapper around a thread safe integer.
public class ThreadSafeInteger
private int value = 0;
/// Gets the current value stored by this integer.
public int Value
return value;
/// Increment the value of this integer by 1.
public void Increment()
/// Adds the total milliseconds elapsed since a start time.
/// Start time.
public void AddDuration(DateTime start)
var elapsed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start);
/// Adds the provided amount to this integer.
/// Amount to add.
public void Add(int amount)
Interlocked.Add(ref value, amount);
/// Serialize thread safe integers to a regular integer (instead of an object with a Value property).
public class ThreadSafeIntegerJsonConverter : JsonConverter
/// Deserialization of TSIs is not supported and will always throw a NotSupportedException.
/// Reader.
/// Type.
/// Options.
/// Never returns.
public override ThreadSafeInteger? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
throw new NotSupportedException();
/// Serialize the provided TSI.
/// Writer.
/// TSI.
/// Options.
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, ThreadSafeInteger value, JsonSerializerOptions options)