package main import ( "flag" "time" ) func flags() { // Report generation hostAddress := flag.String("address", "", "Address of Jellyfin server to extract intro information from.") apiKey := flag.String("key", "", "Administrator API key to authenticate with.") keepTimestamps := flag.Bool("keep", false, "Keep the current timestamps instead of erasing and reanalyzing.") pollInterval := flag.Duration("poll", 10*time.Second, "Interval to poll task completion at.") reportDestination := flag.String("o", "", "Report destination filename. Defaults to intros-ADDRESS-TIMESTAMP.json.") // Report comparison report1 := flag.String("r1", "", "First report.") report2 := flag.String("r2", "", "Second report.") // API schema validator ids := flag.String("validate", "", "Comma separated item ids to validate the API schema for.") // Print usage examples flag.CommandLine.Usage = func() { flag.CommandLine.Output().Write([]byte("Flags:\n")) flag.PrintDefaults() usage := "\nUsage:\n" + "Generate intro timestamp report from a local server:\n" + "./verifier -address -key api_key\n\n" + "Generate intro timestamp report from a remote server, polling for task completion every 20 seconds:\n" + "./verifier -address -key api_key -poll 20s -o example.json\n\n" + "Compare two previously generated reports:\n" + "./verifier -r1 v0.1.5.json -r2 v0.1.6.json\n\n" + "Validate the API schema for some item ids:\n" + "./verifier -address -key api_key -validate id1,id2,id3\n" flag.CommandLine.Output().Write([]byte(usage)) } flag.Parse() if *hostAddress != "" && *apiKey != "" { if *ids == "" { generateReport(*hostAddress, *apiKey, *reportDestination, *keepTimestamps, *pollInterval) } else { validateApiSchema(*hostAddress, *apiKey, *ids) } } else if *report1 != "" && *report2 != "" { compareReports(*report1, *report2, *reportDestination) } else { panic("Either (-address and -key) or (-r1 and -r2) are required.") } } func main() { flags() }