using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using System.Threading; using IntroSkipper.Configuration; using IntroSkipper.Data; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace IntroSkipper.Analyzers; /// <summary> /// Chromaprint audio analyzer. /// </summary> public class ChromaprintAnalyzer : IMediaFileAnalyzer { /// <summary> /// Seconds of audio in one fingerprint point. /// This value is defined by the Chromaprint library and should not be changed. /// </summary> private const double SamplesToSeconds = 0.1238; private readonly int _minimumIntroDuration; private readonly int _maximumDifferences; private readonly int _invertedIndexShift; private readonly double _maximumTimeSkip; private readonly ILogger<ChromaprintAnalyzer> _logger; private AnalysisMode _analysisMode; /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ChromaprintAnalyzer"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="logger">Logger.</param> public ChromaprintAnalyzer(ILogger<ChromaprintAnalyzer> logger) { var config = Plugin.Instance?.Configuration ?? new PluginConfiguration(); _maximumDifferences = config.MaximumFingerprintPointDifferences; _invertedIndexShift = config.InvertedIndexShift; _maximumTimeSkip = config.MaximumTimeSkip; _minimumIntroDuration = config.MinimumIntroDuration; _logger = logger; } /// <inheritdoc /> public IReadOnlyList<QueuedEpisode> AnalyzeMediaFiles( IReadOnlyList<QueuedEpisode> analysisQueue, AnalysisMode mode, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // All intros for this season. var seasonIntros = new Dictionary<Guid, Segment>(); // Cache of all fingerprints for this season. var fingerprintCache = new Dictionary<Guid, uint[]>(); // Episode analysis queue based on not analyzed episodes var episodeAnalysisQueue = new List<QueuedEpisode>(analysisQueue); // Episodes that were analyzed and do not have an introduction. var episodesWithoutIntros = episodeAnalysisQueue.Where(e => !e.State.IsAnalyzed(mode)).ToList(); _analysisMode = mode; if (episodesWithoutIntros.Count == 0 || episodeAnalysisQueue.Count <= 1) { return analysisQueue; } var episodesWithFingerprint = new List<QueuedEpisode>(episodesWithoutIntros); // Load fingerprints from cache if available. episodesWithFingerprint.AddRange(episodeAnalysisQueue.Where(e => e.State.IsAnalyzed(mode) && File.Exists(FFmpegWrapper.GetFingerprintCachePath(e, mode)))); // Ensure at least two fingerprints are present. if (episodesWithFingerprint.Count == 1) { var indexInAnalysisQueue = episodeAnalysisQueue.FindIndex(episode => episode == episodesWithoutIntros[0]); episodesWithFingerprint.AddRange(episodeAnalysisQueue .Where((episode, index) => Math.Abs(index - indexInAnalysisQueue) <= 1 && index != indexInAnalysisQueue)); } seasonIntros = episodesWithFingerprint.Where(e => e.State.IsAnalyzed(mode)).ToDictionary(e => e.EpisodeId, e => Plugin.GetIntroByMode(e.EpisodeId, mode)); // Compute fingerprints for all episodes in the season foreach (var episode in episodesWithFingerprint) { try { fingerprintCache[episode.EpisodeId] = FFmpegWrapper.Fingerprint(episode, mode); // Use reversed fingerprints for credits if (_analysisMode == AnalysisMode.Credits) { Array.Reverse(fingerprintCache[episode.EpisodeId]); } if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return analysisQueue; } } catch (FingerprintException ex) { _logger.LogDebug("Caught fingerprint error: {Ex}", ex); WarningManager.SetFlag(PluginWarning.InvalidChromaprintFingerprint); // Fallback to an empty fingerprint on any error fingerprintCache[episode.EpisodeId] = []; } } // While there are still episodes in the queue while (episodesWithoutIntros.Count > 0) { // Pop the first episode from the queue var currentEpisode = episodesWithoutIntros[0]; episodesWithoutIntros.RemoveAt(0); episodesWithFingerprint.Remove(currentEpisode); // Search through all remaining episodes. foreach (var remainingEpisode in episodesWithFingerprint) { // Compare the current episode to all remaining episodes in the queue. var (currentIntro, remainingIntro) = CompareEpisodes( currentEpisode.EpisodeId, fingerprintCache[currentEpisode.EpisodeId], remainingEpisode.EpisodeId, fingerprintCache[remainingEpisode.EpisodeId]); // Ignore this comparison result if: // - one of the intros isn't valid, or // - the introduction exceeds the configured limit if ( !remainingIntro.Valid || (_analysisMode == AnalysisMode.Introduction && remainingIntro.Duration > Plugin.Instance!.Configuration.MaximumIntroDuration)) { continue; } /* Since the Fingerprint() function returns an array of Chromaprint points without time * information, the times reported from the index search function start from 0. * * While this is desired behavior for detecting introductions, it breaks credit * detection, as the audio we're analyzing was extracted from some point into the file. * * To fix this, the starting and ending times need to be switched, as they were previously reversed * and subtracted from the episode duration to get the reported time range. */ if (_analysisMode == AnalysisMode.Credits) { // Calculate new values for the current intro double currentOriginalIntroStart = currentIntro.Start; currentIntro.Start = currentEpisode.Duration - currentIntro.End; currentIntro.End = currentEpisode.Duration - currentOriginalIntroStart; // Calculate new values for the remaining intro double remainingIntroOriginalStart = remainingIntro.Start; remainingIntro.Start = remainingEpisode.Duration - remainingIntro.End; remainingIntro.End = remainingEpisode.Duration - remainingIntroOriginalStart; } // Only save the discovered intro if it is: // - the first intro discovered for this episode // - longer than the previously discovered intro if ( !seasonIntros.TryGetValue(currentIntro.EpisodeId, out var savedCurrentIntro) || currentIntro.Duration > savedCurrentIntro.Duration) { seasonIntros[currentIntro.EpisodeId] = currentIntro; } if ( !seasonIntros.TryGetValue(remainingIntro.EpisodeId, out var savedRemainingIntro) || remainingIntro.Duration > savedRemainingIntro.Duration) { seasonIntros[remainingIntro.EpisodeId] = remainingIntro; } break; } // If no intro is found at this point, the popped episode is not reinserted into the queue. if (seasonIntros.ContainsKey(currentEpisode.EpisodeId)) { episodesWithFingerprint.Add(currentEpisode); episodeAnalysisQueue.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EpisodeId == currentEpisode.EpisodeId)?.State.SetAnalyzed(mode, true); } } // If cancellation was requested, report that no episodes were analyzed. if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return analysisQueue; } // Adjust all introduction times. var analyzerHelper = new AnalyzerHelper(_logger); seasonIntros = analyzerHelper.AdjustIntroTimes(analysisQueue, seasonIntros, _analysisMode); Plugin.Instance!.UpdateTimestamps(seasonIntros, _analysisMode); return episodeAnalysisQueue; } /// <summary> /// Analyze two episodes to find an introduction sequence shared between them. /// </summary> /// <param name="lhsId">First episode id.</param> /// <param name="lhsPoints">First episode fingerprint points.</param> /// <param name="rhsId">Second episode id.</param> /// <param name="rhsPoints">Second episode fingerprint points.</param> /// <returns>Intros for the first and second episodes.</returns> public (Segment Lhs, Segment Rhs) CompareEpisodes( Guid lhsId, uint[] lhsPoints, Guid rhsId, uint[] rhsPoints) { // Creates an inverted fingerprint point index for both episodes. // For every point which is a 100% match, search for an introduction at that point. var (lhsRanges, rhsRanges) = SearchInvertedIndex(lhsId, lhsPoints, rhsId, rhsPoints); if (lhsRanges.Count > 0) { _logger.LogTrace("Index search successful"); return GetLongestTimeRange(lhsId, lhsRanges, rhsId, rhsRanges); } _logger.LogTrace( "Unable to find a shared introduction sequence between {LHS} and {RHS}", lhsId, rhsId); return (new Segment(lhsId), new Segment(rhsId)); } /// <summary> /// Locates the longest range of similar audio and returns an Intro class for each range. /// </summary> /// <param name="lhsId">First episode id.</param> /// <param name="lhsRanges">First episode shared timecodes.</param> /// <param name="rhsId">Second episode id.</param> /// <param name="rhsRanges">Second episode shared timecodes.</param> /// <returns>Intros for the first and second episodes.</returns> private static (Segment Lhs, Segment Rhs) GetLongestTimeRange( Guid lhsId, List<TimeRange> lhsRanges, Guid rhsId, List<TimeRange> rhsRanges) { // Store the longest time range as the introduction. lhsRanges.Sort(); rhsRanges.Sort(); var lhsIntro = lhsRanges[0]; var rhsIntro = rhsRanges[0]; // If the intro starts early in the episode, move it to the beginning. if (lhsIntro.Start <= 5) { lhsIntro.Start = 0; } if (rhsIntro.Start <= 5) { rhsIntro.Start = 0; } // Create Intro classes for each time range. return (new Segment(lhsId, lhsIntro), new Segment(rhsId, rhsIntro)); } /// <summary> /// Search for a shared introduction sequence using inverted indexes. /// </summary> /// <param name="lhsId">LHS ID.</param> /// <param name="lhsPoints">Left episode fingerprint points.</param> /// <param name="rhsId">RHS ID.</param> /// <param name="rhsPoints">Right episode fingerprint points.</param> /// <returns>List of shared TimeRanges between the left and right episodes.</returns> private (List<TimeRange> Lhs, List<TimeRange> Rhs) SearchInvertedIndex( Guid lhsId, uint[] lhsPoints, Guid rhsId, uint[] rhsPoints) { var lhsRanges = new List<TimeRange>(); var rhsRanges = new List<TimeRange>(); // Generate inverted indexes for the left and right episodes. var lhsIndex = FFmpegWrapper.CreateInvertedIndex(lhsId, lhsPoints, _analysisMode); var rhsIndex = FFmpegWrapper.CreateInvertedIndex(rhsId, rhsPoints, _analysisMode); var indexShifts = new HashSet<int>(); // For all audio points in the left episode, check if the right episode has a point which matches exactly. // If an exact match is found, calculate the shift that must be used to align the points. foreach (var kvp in lhsIndex) { var originalPoint = kvp.Key; for (var i = -1 * _invertedIndexShift; i <= _invertedIndexShift; i++) { var modifiedPoint = (uint)(originalPoint + i); if (rhsIndex.TryGetValue(modifiedPoint, out var rhsModifiedPoint)) { var lhsFirst = lhsIndex[originalPoint]; var rhsFirst = rhsModifiedPoint; indexShifts.Add(rhsFirst - lhsFirst); } } } // Use all discovered shifts to compare the episodes. foreach (var shift in indexShifts) { var (lhsIndexContiguous, rhsIndexContiguous) = FindContiguous(lhsPoints, rhsPoints, shift); if (lhsIndexContiguous.End > 0 && rhsIndexContiguous.End > 0) { lhsRanges.Add(lhsIndexContiguous); rhsRanges.Add(rhsIndexContiguous); } } return (lhsRanges, rhsRanges); } /// <summary> /// Finds the longest contiguous region of similar audio between two fingerprints using the provided shift amount. /// </summary> /// <param name="lhs">First fingerprint to compare.</param> /// <param name="rhs">Second fingerprint to compare.</param> /// <param name="shiftAmount">Amount to shift one fingerprint by.</param> private (TimeRange Lhs, TimeRange Rhs) FindContiguous( uint[] lhs, uint[] rhs, int shiftAmount) { var leftOffset = 0; var rightOffset = 0; // Calculate the offsets for the left and right hand sides. if (shiftAmount < 0) { leftOffset -= shiftAmount; } else { rightOffset += shiftAmount; } // Store similar times for both LHS and RHS. var lhsTimes = new List<double>(); var rhsTimes = new List<double>(); var upperLimit = Math.Min(lhs.Length, rhs.Length) - Math.Abs(shiftAmount); // XOR all elements in LHS and RHS, using the shift amount from above. for (var i = 0; i < upperLimit; i++) { // XOR both samples at the current position. var lhsPosition = i + leftOffset; var rhsPosition = i + rightOffset; var diff = lhs[lhsPosition] ^ rhs[rhsPosition]; // If the difference between the samples is small, flag both times as similar. if (CountBits(diff) > _maximumDifferences) { continue; } var lhsTime = lhsPosition * SamplesToSeconds; var rhsTime = rhsPosition * SamplesToSeconds; lhsTimes.Add(lhsTime); rhsTimes.Add(rhsTime); } // Ensure the last timestamp is checked lhsTimes.Add(double.MaxValue); rhsTimes.Add(double.MaxValue); // Now that both fingerprints have been compared at this shift, see if there's a contiguous time range. var lContiguous = TimeRangeHelpers.FindContiguous(lhsTimes.ToArray(), _maximumTimeSkip); if (lContiguous is null || lContiguous.Duration < _minimumIntroDuration) { return (new TimeRange(), new TimeRange()); } // Since LHS had a contiguous time range, RHS must have one also. var rContiguous = TimeRangeHelpers.FindContiguous(rhsTimes.ToArray(), _maximumTimeSkip)!; return (lContiguous, rContiguous); } /// <summary> /// Count the number of bits that are set in the provided number. /// </summary> /// <param name="number">Number to count bits in.</param> /// <returns>Number of bits that are equal to 1.</returns> public int CountBits(uint number) { return BitOperations.PopCount(number); } }