Analyze show extras (specials).
Maximum degree of parallelism to use when analyzing episodes.
Enter the names of libraries to analyze, separated by commas. If this field is left blank, all libraries on the server containing television episodes will be analyzed.
EDL file generation
If set to a value other than None, specifies which action to write to MPlayer compatible EDL files alongside your episode files.
If this value is changed after EDL files are generated, you must check the "Regenerate EDL files" checkbox below.
If checked, the plugin will overwrite all EDL files associated with your episodes with the currently discovered introduction timestamps and EDL action.
Modify introduction requirements
Analysis will be limited to this percentage of each episode's audio. For example, a value of 25 (the default) will limit analysis to the first quarter of each episode.
Analysis will be limited to this amount of each episode's audio. For example, a value of 10 (the default) will limit analysis to the first 10 minutes of each episode.
Similar sounding audio which is shorter than this duration will not be considered an introduction.
Similar sounding audio which is longer than this duration will not be considered an introduction.

The amount of each episode's audio that will be analyzed is determined using both the percentage of audio and maximum runtime of audio to analyze. The minimum of (episode duration * percent, maximum runtime) is the amount of audio that will be analyzed.

If the audio percentage or maximum runtime settings are modified, the cached fingerprints and introduction timestamps for each season you want to analyze with the modified settings will have to be deleted. Increasing either of these settings will cause episode analysis to take much longer.

Silence detection options
Noise tolerance in negative decibels.
Minimum silence duration in seconds before adjusting introduction end time.
If checked, a skip button will be displayed at the start of an episode's introduction. This setting only applies to the web interface.
If checked, intros will be automatically skipped. If you access Jellyfin through a reverse proxy, it must be configured to proxy web sockets.
If checked, auto skip will ignore introductions in the first episode of a season.
Seconds before the introduction starts to display the skip prompt at.
Seconds after the introduction starts to hide the skip prompt at.
Seconds of introduction that should be played. Defaults to 2.
User Interface Customization
Text to display in the skip intro button.
Text to display in the skip end credits button.
Message sent to a user after automatically skipping an introduction. Leave blank to skip sending a notification.

Support Bundle

Select episodes to manage

Fingerprint Visualizer

Interactively compare the audio fingerprints of two episodes.
The blue and red bar to the right of the fingerprint diff turns blue when the corresponding fingerprint points are at least 80% similar.

Key Function
Up arrow Shift the left episode up by 0.128 seconds. Holding control will shift the episode by 10 seconds.
Down arrow Shift the left episode down by 0.128 seconds. Holding control will shift the episode by 10 seconds.
Right arrow Advance to the next pair of episodes.
Left arrow Go back to the previous pair of episodes.

Shift amount:
Suggested shifts: