using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net.Mime; using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper.Controllers; /// <summary> /// Skip intro controller. /// </summary> [Authorize] [ApiController] [Produces(MediaTypeNames.Application.Json)] public class SkipIntroController : ControllerBase { /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SkipIntroController"/> class. /// </summary> public SkipIntroController() { } /// <summary> /// Returns the timestamps of the introduction in a television episode. Responses are in API version 1 format. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">ID of the episode. Required.</param> /// <response code="200">Episode contains an intro.</response> /// <response code="404">Failed to find an intro in the provided episode.</response> /// <returns>Detected intro.</returns> [HttpGet("Episode/{id}/IntroTimestamps")] [HttpGet("Episode/{id}/IntroTimestamps/v1")] public ActionResult<Intro> GetIntroTimestamps([FromRoute] Guid id) { var intro = GetIntro(id); if (intro is null || !intro.Valid) { return NotFound(); } // Populate the prompt show/hide times. var config = Plugin.Instance!.Configuration; intro.ShowSkipPromptAt = Math.Max(0, intro.IntroStart - config.ShowPromptAdjustment); intro.HideSkipPromptAt = intro.IntroStart + config.HidePromptAdjustment; intro.IntroEnd -= config.SecondsOfIntroToPlay; return intro; } /// <summary>Lookup and return the intro timestamps for the provided item.</summary> /// <param name="id">Unique identifier of this episode.</param> /// <returns>Intro object if the provided item has an intro, null otherwise.</returns> private Intro? GetIntro(Guid id) { // Returns a copy to avoid mutating the original Intro object stored in the dictionary. return Plugin.Instance!.Intros.TryGetValue(id, out var intro) ? new Intro(intro) : null; } /// <summary> /// Erases all previously discovered introduction timestamps. /// </summary> /// <response code="204">Operation successful.</response> /// <returns>No content.</returns> [Authorize(Policy = "RequiresElevation")] [HttpPost("Intros/EraseTimestamps")] public ActionResult ResetIntroTimestamps() { Plugin.Instance!.Intros.Clear(); Plugin.Instance!.SaveTimestamps(); return NoContent(); } /// <summary> /// Get all introductions or credits. Only used by the end to end testing script. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">Mode.</param> /// <response code="200">All timestamps have been returned.</response> /// <returns>List of IntroWithMetadata objects.</returns> [Authorize(Policy = "RequiresElevation")] [HttpGet("Intros/All")] public ActionResult<List<IntroWithMetadata>> GetAllTimestamps( [FromQuery] AnalysisMode mode = AnalysisMode.Introduction) { List<IntroWithMetadata> intros = new(); var timestamps = mode == AnalysisMode.Introduction ? Plugin.Instance!.Intros : Plugin.Instance!.Credits; // Get metadata for all intros foreach (var intro in timestamps) { // Get the details of the item from Jellyfin var rawItem = Plugin.Instance!.GetItem(intro.Key); if (rawItem is not Episode episode) { throw new InvalidCastException("Unable to cast item id " + intro.Key + " to an Episode"); } // Associate the metadata with the intro intros.Add( new IntroWithMetadata( episode.SeriesName, episode.AiredSeasonNumber ?? 0, episode.Name, intro.Value)); } return intros; } }