using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library;
using MediaBrowser.Model.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace ConfusedPolarBear.Plugin.IntroSkipper;
/// Analyze all television episodes for introduction sequences.
public class AnalyzeEpisodesTask : IScheduledTask
/// Maximum number of bits (out of 32 total) that can be different between segments before they are considered dissimilar.
/// 6 bits means the audio must be at least 81% similar (1 - 6 / 32).
private const double MaximumDifferences = 6;
/// Maximum time (in seconds) permitted between timestamps before they are considered non-contiguous.
private const double MaximumDistance = 3.5;
/// Amount to shift inverted index offsets by.
private const int InvertedIndexShift = 2;
/// Seconds of audio in one fingerprint point. This value is defined by the Chromaprint library and should not be changed.
private const double SamplesToSeconds = 0.128;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly ILogger _queueLogger;
private readonly ILibraryManager? _libraryManager;
/// Lock which guards the shared dictionary of intros.
private readonly object _introsLock = new object();
/// Statistics for the currently running analysis task.
private AnalysisStatistics analysisStatistics = new AnalysisStatistics();
/// Minimum duration of similar audio that will be considered an introduction.
private static int minimumIntroDuration = 15;
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// Logger factory.
/// Library manager.
public AnalyzeEpisodesTask(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, ILibraryManager libraryManager) : this(loggerFactory)
_libraryManager = libraryManager;
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// Logger factory.
public AnalyzeEpisodesTask(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger();
_queueLogger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger();
/// Gets the task name.
public string Name => "Detect Introductions";
/// Gets the task category.
public string Category => "Intro Skipper";
/// Gets the task description.
public string Description => "Analyzes the audio of all television episodes to find introduction sequences.";
/// Gets the task key.
public string Key => "CPBIntroSkipperDetectIntroductions";
/// Analyze all episodes in the queue. Only one instance of this task should be run at a time.
/// Task progress.
/// Cancellation token.
/// Task.
public Task ExecuteAsync(IProgress progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (_libraryManager is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Library manager must not be null");
// Make sure the analysis queue matches what's currently in Jellyfin.
var queueManager = new QueueManager(_queueLogger, _libraryManager);
var queue = Plugin.Instance!.AnalysisQueue;
if (queue.Count == 0)
throw new FingerprintException(
"No episodes to analyze. If you are limiting the list of libraries to analyze, check that all library names have been spelled correctly.");
// Log EDL settings
// Include the previously processed episodes in the percentage reported to the UI.
var totalProcessed = CountProcessedEpisodes();
var options = new ParallelOptions()
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Plugin.Instance!.Configuration.MaxParallelism
var taskStart = DateTime.Now;
analysisStatistics = new AnalysisStatistics();
analysisStatistics.TotalQueuedEpisodes = Plugin.Instance!.TotalQueued;
minimumIntroDuration = Plugin.Instance!.Configuration.MinimumIntroDuration;
// TODO: if the queue is modified while the task is running, the task will fail.
// clone the queue before running the task to prevent this.
// Analyze all episodes in the queue using the degrees of parallelism the user specified.
Parallel.ForEach(queue, options, (season) =>
var workerStart = DateTime.Now;
var first = season.Value[0];
var writeEdl = false;
var episodes = new Collection(season.Value);
// Increment totalProcessed by the number of episodes in this season that were actually analyzed
// (instead of just using the number of episodes in the current season).
var analyzed = AnalyzeSeason(episodes, cancellationToken);
Interlocked.Add(ref totalProcessed, analyzed);
writeEdl = analyzed > 0 || Plugin.Instance!.Configuration.RegenerateEdlFiles;
catch (FingerprintException ex)
"Unable to analyze {Series} season {Season}: unable to fingerprint: {Ex}",
catch (KeyNotFoundException ex)
"Unable to analyze {Series} season {Season}: cache miss: {Ex}",
if (writeEdl && Plugin.Instance!.Configuration.EdlAction != EdlAction.None)
progress.Report((totalProcessed * 100) / Plugin.Instance!.TotalQueued);
Plugin.Instance!.AnalysisStatistics = analysisStatistics;
// Update analysis statistics
Plugin.Instance!.AnalysisStatistics = analysisStatistics;
// Turn the regenerate EDL flag off after the scan completes.
if (Plugin.Instance!.Configuration.RegenerateEdlFiles)
_logger.LogInformation("Turning EDL file regeneration flag off");
Plugin.Instance!.Configuration.RegenerateEdlFiles = false;
return Task.CompletedTask;
/// Count the number of previously processed episodes to ensure the reported progress is correct.
/// Number of previously processed episodes.
private int CountProcessedEpisodes()
var previous = 0;
foreach (var season in Plugin.Instance!.AnalysisQueue)
foreach (var episode in season.Value)
if (!Plugin.Instance!.Intros.TryGetValue(episode.EpisodeId, out var intro) || !intro.Valid)
return previous;
/// Fingerprints all episodes in the provided season and stores the timestamps of all introductions.
/// Episodes in this season.
/// Cancellation token provided by the scheduled task.
/// Number of episodes from the provided season that were analyzed.
private int AnalyzeSeason(
Collection episodes,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// All intros for this season.
var seasonIntros = new Dictionary();
// Cache of all fingerprints for this season.
var fingerprintCache = new Dictionary();
// Total episodes in this season. Counted at the start of this function as episodes
// are popped from here during analysis.
var episodeCount = episodes.Count;
/* Don't analyze specials or seasons with an insufficient number of episodes.
* A season with only 1 episode can't be analyzed as it would compare the episode to itself,
* which would result in the entire episode being marked as an introduction, as the audio is identical.
if (episodes.Count < 2 || episodes[0].SeasonNumber == 0)
return episodeCount;
var first = episodes[0];
"Analyzing {Count} episodes from {Name} season {Season}",
// Compute fingerprints for all episodes in the season
foreach (var episode in episodes)
fingerprintCache[episode.EpisodeId] = Chromaprint.Fingerprint(episode);
catch (FingerprintException ex)
_logger.LogWarning("Caught fingerprint error: {Ex}", ex);
// Fallback to an empty fingerprint on any error
fingerprintCache[episode.EpisodeId] = Array.Empty();
// While there are still episodes in the queue
while (episodes.Count > 0)
// Pop the first episode from the queue
var currentEpisode = episodes[0];
// Search through all remaining episodes.
foreach (var remainingEpisode in episodes)
// Compare the current episode to all remaining episodes in the queue.
var (currentIntro, remainingIntro) = CompareEpisodes(
// If one of the intros isn't valid, ignore this comparison result.
if (!currentIntro.Valid)
// Only save the discovered intro if it is:
// - the first intro discovered for this episode
// - longer than the previously discovered intro
if (
!seasonIntros.TryGetValue(currentIntro.EpisodeId, out var savedCurrentIntro) ||
currentIntro.Duration > savedCurrentIntro.Duration)
seasonIntros[currentIntro.EpisodeId] = currentIntro;
if (
!seasonIntros.TryGetValue(remainingIntro.EpisodeId, out var savedRemainingIntro) ||
remainingIntro.Duration > savedRemainingIntro.Duration)
seasonIntros[remainingIntro.EpisodeId] = remainingIntro;
// If no intro is found at this point, the popped episode is not reinserted into the queue.
// Ensure only one thread at a time can update the shared intro dictionary.
lock (_introsLock)
foreach (var intro in seasonIntros)
Plugin.Instance!.Intros[intro.Key] = intro.Value;
lock (_introsLock)
return episodeCount;
/// Analyze two episodes to find an introduction sequence shared between them.
/// First episode id.
/// First episode fingerprint points.
/// Second episode id.
/// Second episode fingerprint points.
/// Intros for the first and second episodes.
public (Intro Lhs, Intro Rhs) CompareEpisodes(
Guid lhsId,
uint[] lhsPoints,
Guid rhsId,
uint[] rhsPoints)
var start = DateTime.Now;
// Creates an inverted fingerprint point index for both episodes.
// For every point which is a 100% match, search for an introduction at that point.
var (lhsRanges, rhsRanges) = SearchInvertedIndex(lhsId, lhsPoints, rhsId, rhsPoints);
if (lhsRanges.Count > 0)
_logger.LogTrace("Index search successful");
return GetLongestTimeRange(lhsId, lhsRanges, rhsId, rhsRanges);
"Unable to find a shared introduction sequence between {LHS} and {RHS}",
return (new Intro(lhsId), new Intro(rhsId));
/// Locates the longest range of similar audio and returns an Intro class for each range.
/// First episode id.
/// First episode shared timecodes.
/// Second episode id.
/// Second episode shared timecodes.
/// Intros for the first and second episodes.
private (Intro Lhs, Intro Rhs) GetLongestTimeRange(
Guid lhsId,
List lhsRanges,
Guid rhsId,
List rhsRanges)
// Store the longest time range as the introduction.
var lhsIntro = lhsRanges[0];
var rhsIntro = rhsRanges[0];
// If the intro starts early in the episode, move it to the beginning.
if (lhsIntro.Start <= 5)
lhsIntro.Start = 0;
if (rhsIntro.Start <= 5)
rhsIntro.Start = 0;
// Create Intro classes for each time range.
return (new Intro(lhsId, lhsIntro), new Intro(rhsId, rhsIntro));
/// Search for a shared introduction sequence using inverted indexes.
/// LHS ID.
/// Left episode fingerprint points.
/// RHS ID.
/// Right episode fingerprint points.
/// List of shared TimeRanges between the left and right episodes.
private (List Lhs, List Rhs) SearchInvertedIndex(
Guid lhsId,
uint[] lhsPoints,
Guid rhsId,
uint[] rhsPoints)
var lhsRanges = new List();
var rhsRanges = new List();
// Generate inverted indexes for the left and right episodes.
var lhsIndex = Chromaprint.CreateInvertedIndex(lhsId, lhsPoints);
var rhsIndex = Chromaprint.CreateInvertedIndex(rhsId, rhsPoints);
var indexShifts = new HashSet();
// For all audio points in the left episode, check if the right episode has a point which matches exactly.
// If an exact match is found, calculate the shift that must be used to align the points.
foreach (var kvp in lhsIndex)
var originalPoint = kvp.Key;
for (var i = -1 * InvertedIndexShift; i <= InvertedIndexShift; i++)
var modifiedPoint = (uint)(originalPoint + i);
if (rhsIndex.ContainsKey(modifiedPoint))
var lhsFirst = (int)lhsIndex[originalPoint];
var rhsFirst = (int)rhsIndex[modifiedPoint];
indexShifts.Add(rhsFirst - lhsFirst);
// Use all discovered shifts to compare the episodes.
foreach (var shift in indexShifts)
var (lhsIndexContiguous, rhsIndexContiguous) = ShiftEpisodes(lhsPoints, rhsPoints, shift, shift);
return (lhsRanges, rhsRanges);
/// Shifts a pair of episodes through the range of provided shift amounts and returns discovered contiguous time ranges.
/// First episode fingerprint.
/// Second episode fingerprint.
/// Lower end of the shift range.
/// Upper end of the shift range.
private static (List Lhs, List Rhs) ShiftEpisodes(
uint[] lhs,
uint[] rhs,
int lower,
int upper)
var lhsRanges = new List();
var rhsRanges = new List();
for (int amount = lower; amount <= upper; amount++)
var (lRange, rRange) = FindContiguous(lhs, rhs, amount);
if (lRange.End == 0 && rRange.End == 0)
return (lhsRanges, rhsRanges);
/// Finds the longest contiguous region of similar audio between two fingerprints using the provided shift amount.
/// First fingerprint to compare.
/// Second fingerprint to compare.
/// Amount to shift one fingerprint by.
private static (TimeRange Lhs, TimeRange Rhs) FindContiguous(
uint[] lhs,
uint[] rhs,
int shiftAmount)
var leftOffset = 0;
var rightOffset = 0;
// Calculate the offsets for the left and right hand sides.
if (shiftAmount < 0)
leftOffset -= shiftAmount;
rightOffset += shiftAmount;
// Store similar times for both LHS and RHS.
var lhsTimes = new List();
var rhsTimes = new List();
var upperLimit = Math.Min(lhs.Length, rhs.Length) - Math.Abs(shiftAmount);
// XOR all elements in LHS and RHS, using the shift amount from above.
for (var i = 0; i < upperLimit; i++)
// XOR both samples at the current position.
var lhsPosition = i + leftOffset;
var rhsPosition = i + rightOffset;
var diff = lhs[lhsPosition] ^ rhs[rhsPosition];
// If the difference between the samples is small, flag both times as similar.
if (CountBits(diff) > MaximumDifferences)
var lhsTime = lhsPosition * SamplesToSeconds;
var rhsTime = rhsPosition * SamplesToSeconds;
// Ensure the last timestamp is checked
// Now that both fingerprints have been compared at this shift, see if there's a contiguous time range.
var lContiguous = TimeRangeHelpers.FindContiguous(lhsTimes.ToArray(), MaximumDistance);
if (lContiguous is null || lContiguous.Duration < minimumIntroDuration)
return (new TimeRange(), new TimeRange());
// Since LHS had a contiguous time range, RHS must have one also.
var rContiguous = TimeRangeHelpers.FindContiguous(rhsTimes.ToArray(), MaximumDistance)!;
// Tweak the end timestamps just a bit to ensure as little content as possible is skipped over.
if (lContiguous.Duration >= 90)
lContiguous.End -= 2 * MaximumDistance;
rContiguous.End -= 2 * MaximumDistance;
else if (lContiguous.Duration >= 30)
lContiguous.End -= MaximumDistance;
rContiguous.End -= MaximumDistance;
return (lContiguous, rContiguous);
/// Count the number of bits that are set in the provided number.
/// Number to count bits in.
/// Number of bits that are equal to 1.
public static int CountBits(uint number)
return BitOperations.PopCount(number);
private double GetIntroDuration(Guid id)
if (!Plugin.Instance!.Intros.TryGetValue(id, out var episode))
return 0;
return episode.Valid ? Math.Round(episode.IntroEnd - episode.IntroStart, 2) : 0;
/// Get task triggers.
/// Task triggers.
public IEnumerable GetDefaultTriggers()
return new[]
new TaskTriggerInfo
Type = TaskTriggerInfo.TriggerDaily,
TimeOfDayTicks = TimeSpan.FromHours(0).Ticks