import argparse, json, os, random, time import requests # Server address addr = "" # Authentication token token = "" # GUID of the analyze episodes scheduled task taskId = "8863329048cc357f7dfebf080f2fe204" # Parse CLI arguments def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-s", help="Server address (if different than", type=str, dest="address", default="", metavar="ADDRESS", ) parser.add_argument( "-freq", help="Interval to poll task completion state at (default is 10 seconds)", type=int, dest="frequency", default=10, ) parser.add_argument( "-f", help="Expected intro timestamps (as previously retrieved from /Intros/All)", type=str, dest="expected", default="expected/dev.json", metavar="FILENAME", ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-analysis", help="Skip reanalyzing episodes and just validate timestamps and API versioning", dest="skip", action="store_true", ) return parser.parse_args() # Send an HTTP request and return the response def send(url, method="GET", log=True): global addr, token # Construct URL r = None url = addr + url # Log request if log: print(f"{method} {url} ", end="") # Send auth token headers = {"Authorization": f"MediaBrowser Token={token}"} # Send the request if method == "GET": r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) elif method == "POST": r =, headers=headers) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown method {method}") # Log status code if log: print(f"{r.status_code}\n") # Check status code r.raise_for_status() return r def close_enough(expected, actual): # TODO: make customizable return abs(expected - actual) <= 2 # Validate that all episodes in expected have a similar entry in actual. def validate(expected, actual): good = 0 bad = 0 total = len(expected) for i in expected: if i not in actual: print(f"[!] Cound not find episode {i}") bad += 1 continue ex = expected[i] ac = actual[i] start = close_enough(ex["IntroStart"], ac["IntroStart"]) end = close_enough(ex["IntroEnd"], ac["IntroEnd"]) # If both the start and end times are close enough, keep going if start and end: good += 1 continue # Oops bad += 1 print(f"[!] Episode {i} is not correct") print( f"expected {ex['IntroStart']} => {ex['IntroEnd']} but found {ac['IntroStart']} => {ac['IntroEnd']}" ) print() print("Statistics:") print(f"Correct: {good} ({int((good * 100) / total)}%)") print(f"Incorrect: {bad}") print(f"Total: {total}") def main(): global addr, token # Validate arguments args = parse_args() addr = args.address # Validate token token = os.environ.get("JELLYFIN_TOKEN") if token is None: print( "Administrator access token is required, set environment variable JELLYFIN_TOKEN and try again" ) exit(1) # Validate expected timestamps expected = [] with open(args.expected, "r") as f: expected = json.load(f) print(f"[+] Found {len(expected)} expected timestamps\n") if not args.skip: # Erase old intro timestamps print("[+] Erasing previously discovered introduction timestamps") send("/Intros/EraseTimestamps", "POST") # Run analyze episodes task print("[+] Starting episode analysis task") send(f"/ScheduledTasks/Running/{taskId}", "POST") else: print("[+] Not running episode analysis") args.frequency = 0 # Poll for completion print("[+] Waiting for analysis task to complete") while True: time.sleep(args.frequency) task = send(f"/ScheduledTasks/{taskId}", "GET", False).json() state = task["State"] # Calculate percentage analyzed percent = 0 if state == "Idle": percent = 100 elif state == "Running": percent = 0 if "CurrentProgressPercentage" in task: percent = task["CurrentProgressPercentage"] # Print percentage analyzed print(f"\r[+] Episodes analyzed: {percent}%", end="") if percent == 100: print("\n") break # Download actual intro timestamps print("[+] Getting actual timestamps") intros = send("/Intros/All") actual = intros.json() # Store actual episodes to the filesystem with open("/tmp/actual.json", "w") as f: f.write(intros.text) # Verify timestamps print(f"[+] Found {len(actual)} actual timestamps\n") validate(expected, actual) # Select some episodes to validate keys = [] for i in expected: keys.append(i) keys = random.choices(keys, k=min(len(keys), 10)) # Validate API version 1 (both implicitly and explicitly versioned) for version in ["v1 (implicit)", "v1 (explicit)"]: print() print(f"[+] Validating API version: {version} with {len(keys)} episodes") if version.find("implicit") != -1: version = "" else: version = "v1" for episode in keys: ac = send( f"/Episode/{episode}/IntroTimestamps/{version}", "GET", False ).json() print(ac) main()