If a specific platform is broken and we'd need to check for that platform and not optimize, then it takes away what little gain everyone else had by checking.
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217 lines
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let introSkipper = {
skipSegments: {},
videoPlayer: {},
// .bind() is used here to prevent illegal invocation errors
originalFetch: window.fetch.bind(window),
introSkipper.d = function (msg) {
console.debug("[intro skipper] ", msg);
/** Setup event listeners */
introSkipper.setup = function () {
document.addEventListener("viewshow", introSkipper.viewShow);
window.fetch = introSkipper.fetchWrapper;
introSkipper.d("Registered hooks");
/** Wrapper around fetch() that retrieves skip segments for the currently playing item. */
introSkipper.fetchWrapper = async function (...args) {
// Based on JellyScrub's trickplay.js
let [resource, options] = args;
let response = await introSkipper.originalFetch(resource, options);
// Bail early if this isn't a playback info URL
try {
let path = new URL(resource).pathname;
if (!path.includes("/PlaybackInfo")) { return response; }
introSkipper.d("Retrieving skip segments from URL");
let id = path.split("/")[2];
introSkipper.skipSegments = await introSkipper.secureFetch(`Episode/${id}/IntroSkipperSegments`);
introSkipper.d("Successfully retrieved skip segments");
catch (e) {
console.error("Unable to get skip segments from", resource, e);
return response;
* Event handler that runs whenever the current view changes.
* Used to detect the start of video playback.
introSkipper.viewShow = function () {
const location = window.location.hash;
introSkipper.d("Location changed to " + location);
if (location !== "#!/video") {
introSkipper.d("Ignoring location change");
introSkipper.videoPlayer = document.querySelector("video");
if (introSkipper.videoPlayer != null) {
introSkipper.d("Hooking video timeupdate");
introSkipper.videoPlayer.addEventListener("timeupdate", introSkipper.videoPositionChanged);
* Injects the CSS used by the skip intro button.
* Calling this function is a no-op if the CSS has already been injected.
introSkipper.injectCss = function () {
if (introSkipper.testElement("style#introSkipperCss")) {
introSkipper.d("CSS already added");
introSkipper.d("Adding CSS");
let styleElement = document.createElement("style");
styleElement.id = "introSkipperCss";
styleElement.innerText = `
@media (hover:hover) and (pointer:fine) {
#skipIntro .paper-icon-button-light:hover:not(:disabled) {
color: black !important;
background-color: rgba(47, 93, 98, 0) !important;
#skipIntro .paper-icon-button-light.show-focus:focus {
transform: scale(1.04) !important;
#skipIntro.upNextContainer {
width: unset;
#skipIntro {
padding: 0 1px;
position: absolute;
right: 10em;
bottom: 9em;
background-color: rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.66);
border: 1px solid;
border-radius: 0px;
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 0 #f9f9f9;
-webkit-transition: ease-out 0.4s;
-moz-transition: ease-out 0.4s;
transition: ease-out 0.4s;
#skipIntro #btnSkipSegmentText {
padding-right: 3px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
@media (max-width: 1080px) {
#skipIntro {
right: 10%;
#skipIntro:hover {
box-shadow: inset 400px 0 0 0 #f9f9f9;
-webkit-transition: ease-in 1s;
-moz-transition: ease-in 1s;
transition: ease-in 1s;
* Inject the skip intro button into the video player.
* Calling this function is a no-op if the CSS has already been injected.
introSkipper.injectButton = async function () {
// Ensure the button we're about to inject into the page doesn't conflict with a pre-existing one
const preExistingButton = introSkipper.testElement("div.skipIntro");
if (preExistingButton) {
preExistingButton.style.display = "none";
if (introSkipper.testElement(".btnSkipIntro.injected")) {
introSkipper.d("Button already added");
introSkipper.d("Adding button");
let config = await introSkipper.secureFetch("Intros/UserInterfaceConfiguration");
if (!config.SkipButtonVisible) {
introSkipper.d("Not adding button: not visible");
// Construct the skip button div
const button = document.createElement("div");
button.id = "skipIntro"
button.addEventListener("click", introSkipper.doSkip);
button.innerHTML = `
<button is="paper-icon-button-light" class="btnSkipIntro paper-icon-button-light injected">
<span id="btnSkipSegmentText"></span>
<span class="material-icons skip_next"></span>
button.dataset["intro_text"] = config.SkipButtonIntroText;
button.dataset["credits_text"] = config.SkipButtonEndCreditsText;
* Alternative workaround for #44. Jellyfin's video component registers a global click handler
* (located at src/controllers/playback/video/index.js:1492) that pauses video playback unless
* the clicked element has a parent with the class "videoOsdBottom" or "upNextContainer".
// Append the button to the video OSD
let controls = document.querySelector("div#videoOsdPage");
/** Tests if the OSD controls are visible. */
introSkipper.osdVisible = function () {
const osd = document.querySelector("div.videoOsdBottom");
return osd ? !osd.classList.contains("hide") : false;
/** Get the currently playing skippable segment. */
introSkipper.getCurrentSegment = function (position) {
for (let key in introSkipper.skipSegments) {
const segment = introSkipper.skipSegments[key];
if ((position >= segment.ShowSkipPromptAt && position < segment.HideSkipPromptAt) || (introSkipper.osdVisible() && position >= segment.IntroStart && position < segment.IntroEnd)) {
segment["SegmentType"] = key;
return segment;
return { "SegmentType": "None" };
/** Playback position changed, check if the skip button needs to be displayed. */
introSkipper.videoPositionChanged = function () {
const skipButton = document.querySelector("#skipIntro");
if (!skipButton) {
const segment = introSkipper.getCurrentSegment(introSkipper.videoPlayer.currentTime);
switch (segment["SegmentType"]) {
case "None":
case "Introduction":
skipButton.querySelector("#btnSkipSegmentText").textContent =
case "Credits":
skipButton.querySelector("#btnSkipSegmentText").textContent =
/** Seeks to the end of the intro. */
introSkipper.doSkip = function (e) {
introSkipper.d("Skipping intro");
const segment = introSkipper.getCurrentSegment(introSkipper.videoPlayer.currentTime);
if (segment["SegmentType"] === "None") {
console.warn("[intro skipper] doSkip() called without an active segment");
introSkipper.videoPlayer.currentTime = segment["IntroEnd"];
/** Tests if an element with the provided selector exists. */
introSkipper.testElement = function (selector) { return document.querySelector(selector); }
/** Make an authenticated fetch to the Jellyfin server and parse the response body as JSON. */
introSkipper.secureFetch = async function (url) {
url = ApiClient.serverAddress() + "/" + url;
const reqInit = { headers: { "Authorization": "MediaBrowser Token=" + ApiClient.accessToken() } };
const res = await fetch(url, reqInit);
if (res.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`Expected status 200 from ${url}, but got ${res.status}`); }
return await res.json();