* Add temporary scope limit for auto * Fix a missing credits variable rename * Add some extra padding to notes * Only use path limits when filled in
1146 lines
54 KiB
1146 lines
54 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="TemplateConfigPage" data-role="page" class="page type-interior pluginConfigurationPage"
<div data-role="content">
summary {
cursor: pointer;
padding: 10px;
width: inherit;
margin: auto;
border: none;
text-align: center;
outline: none;
font-size: 1.0em;
outline: 2px solid rgba(155, 155, 155, 0.5);
<div class="content-primary">
<form id="FingerprintConfigForm">
<fieldset class="verticalSection-extrabottompadding">
<div class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="AutoDetectIntros" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Automatically Scan Intros</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If enabled, introductions will be automatically analyzed for new media
<div class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="AutoDetectCredits" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Automatically Scan Credits</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If enabled, credits will be automatically analyzed for new media
<br />
<br />
Note: Not selecting at least one automatic detection type will disable automatic scans. To configure the scheduled task, see <a is="emby-linkbutton" class="button-link" href="scheduledtasks.html">scheduled tasks</a>.
<div class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="AnalyzeSeasonZero" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Analyze season 0</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If checked, season 0 (specials / extras) will be included in analysis.
<br />
<br />
Note: Shows containing both a specials and extra folder will identify extras as season 0
and ignore specials, regardless of this setting.
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="MaxParallelism">
Maximum degree of parallelism
<input id="MaxParallelism" type="number" is="emby-input" min="1" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Maximum number of simultaneous async episode analysis operations.
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="SelectedLibraries">
Limit analysis to the following libraries
<input id="SelectedLibraries" type="text" is="emby-input" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Enter the names of libraries to analyze, separated by commas. If this field is left
blank, all libraries on the server containing television episodes will be analyzed.
<details id="intro_reqs">
<summary>Modify Segment Parameters</summary>
<br />
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="AnalysisPercent">
Percent of audio to analyze
<input id="AnalysisPercent" type="number" is="emby-input" min="1" max="90" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Analysis will be limited to this percentage of each episode's audio. For example, a
value of 25 (the default) will limit analysis to the first quarter of each episode.
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="AnalysisLengthLimit">
Maximum runtime of audio to analyze (in minutes)
<input id="AnalysisLengthLimit" type="number" is="emby-input" min="1" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Analysis will be limited to this amount of each episode's audio. For example, a
value of 10 (the default) will limit analysis to the first 10 minutes of each
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="MinimumIntroDuration">
Minimum introduction duration (in seconds)
<input id="MinimumIntroDuration" type="number" is="emby-input" min="1" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Similar sounding audio which is shorter than this duration will not be considered an
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="MaximumIntroDuration">
Maximum introduction duration (in seconds)
<input id="MaximumIntroDuration" type="number" is="emby-input" min="1" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Similar sounding audio which is longer than this duration will not be considered an
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="MinimumCreditsDuration">
Minimum credits duration (in seconds)
<input id="MinimumCreditsDuration" type="number" is="emby-input" min="1" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Similar sounding audio which is shorter than this duration will not be considered credits.
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="MaximumCreditsDuration">
Maximum credits duration (in seconds)
<input id="MaximumCreditsDuration" type="number" is="emby-input" min="1" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Similar sounding audio which is longer than this duration will not be considered credits.
The amount of each episode's audio that will be analyzed is determined using both
the percentage of audio and maximum runtime of audio to analyze. The minimum of
(episode duration * percent, maximum runtime) is the amount of audio that will
be analyzed.
If the audio percentage or maximum runtime settings are modified, the cached
fingerprints and introduction timestamps for each season you want to analyze with the
modified settings <strong>will have to be deleted.</strong>
Increasing either of these settings will cause episode analysis to take much longer.
<details id="edl">
<summary>EDL File Generation</summary>
<br />
<div class="selectContainer">
<label class="selectLabel" for="EdlAction">EDL Action</label>
<select is="emby-select" id="EdlAction" class="emby-select-withcolor emby-select">
<option value="None">
None (do not create or modify EDL files)
<option value="CommercialBreak">
Commercial Break (recommended, skips past the intro once)
<option value="Cut">
Cut (player will remove the intro from the video)
<option value="Intro">
Intro (show a skip button, *experimental*)
<option value="Mute">
Mute (audio will be muted)
<option value="SceneMarker">
Scene Marker (create a chapter marker)
<div class="fieldDescription">
If set to a value other than None, specifies which action to write to
<a href="https://kodi.wiki/view/Edit_decision_list">MPlayer compatible EDL files</a>
alongside your episode files. <br />
If this value is changed after EDL files are generated, you must check the
"Regenerate EDL files" checkbox below.
<div class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="RegenerateEdlFiles" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Regenerate EDL files during next scan</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If checked, the plugin will <strong>overwrite all EDL files</strong> associated with
your episodes with the currently discovered introduction timestamps and EDL action.
<details id="silence">
<summary>Silence Detection Options</summary>
<br />
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="SilenceDetectionMaximumNoise">
Noise tolerance
<input id="SilenceDetectionMaximumNoise" type="number" is="emby-input" min="-90"
max="0" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Noise tolerance in negative decibels.
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="SilenceDetectionMinimumDuration">
Minimum silence duration
<input id="SilenceDetectionMinimumDuration" type="number" is="emby-input" min="0"
step="0.01" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Minimum silence duration in seconds before adjusting introduction end time.
<details id="detection">
<summary>Process Configuration</summary>
<br />
<div class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="UseChromaprint" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Chromaprint analysis</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If checked, analysis will use Chromaprint to compare episode audio and identify intros.
<br />
<strong>WARNING: Disabling this option may result in incomplete or innaccurate analysis!</strong>
<br />
<div class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="CacheFingerprints" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Cache episode fingerprints</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If checked, episode fingerprints will be saved on the filesystem to improve analysis speed.
<br />
<strong>WARNING: May result in lengthy detection! Not recommended for large libraries!</strong>
<br />
<div class="selectContainer">
<label class="selectLabel" for="ProcessPriority">ffmpeg Priority</label>
<select is="emby-select" id="ProcessPriority" class="emby-select-withcolor emby-select">
<option value="Idle">
<option value="BelowNormal">
Below Normal
<option value="Normal">
<option value="AboveNormal">
Above Normal
<option value="High">
<option value="RealTime">
<div class="fieldDescription">
Sets the relative priority of the analysis ffmpeg process to other parallel operations
(ie. transcoding, chapter detection, etc).
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="ProcessThreads">
ffmpeg Threads
<input id="ProcessThreads" type="number" is="emby-input" min="0"
max="16" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Number of simultaneous processes to use for ffmpeg operations.
<br />
This value is most often defined as 1 thread per CPU core,
but setting a value of 0 (default) will use the maximum threads available.
<fieldset class="verticalSection-extrabottompadding">
<div class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="AutoSkip" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Automatically skip intros</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If checked, intros will be automatically skipped. If you access Jellyfin through a
reverse proxy, it must be configured to proxy web
sockets.<br />
<div id="divSkipFirstEpisode" class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="SkipFirstEpisode" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Ignore intro in the first episode of a season</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If checked, auto skip will ignore introduction in the first episode of a season.<br />
<div class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="SkipButtonVisible" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Show skip intro button</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If checked, a skip button will be displayed at the start of an episode's introduction.
<strong>Only applies to the web interface and compatible applications.</strong>
<br />
<div class="checkboxContainer checkboxContainer-withDescription">
<label class="emby-checkbox-label">
<input id="PersistSkipButton" type="checkbox" is="emby-checkbox" />
<span>Display button for intro duration</span>
<div class="fieldDescription">
If checked, skip button will remain visible throught the intro (offset and timeout are ignored).
<br />
Note: If unchecked, button will only appear in the player controls after the set timeout.
<div id="divShowPromptAdjustment" class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="ShowPromptAdjustment">
Skip prompt offset (in seoncds)
<input id="ShowPromptAdjustment" type="number" is="emby-input" min="0" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Seconds to display skip prompt before introduction begins.
<br />
<div id="divHidePromptAdjustment" class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="HidePromptAdjustment">
Skip prompt timeout (in seconds)
<input id="HidePromptAdjustment" type="number" is="emby-input" min="2" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Seconds after introduction before skip prompt is hidden.
<br />
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel inputLabelUnfocused" for="SecondsOfIntroToPlay">
Intro playback duration (in seconds)
<input id="SecondsOfIntroToPlay" type="number" is="emby-input" min="0" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Seconds of introduction ending that should be played. Defaults to 2.
<summary>User Interface Customization</summary>
<br />
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel" for="SkipButtonIntroText">
Skip intro button text
<input id="SkipButtonIntroText" type="text" is="emby-input" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Text to display in the skip intro button.
<div class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel" for="SkipButtonEndCreditsText">
Skip end credits button text
<input id="SkipButtonEndCreditsText" type="text" is="emby-input" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Text to display in the skip end credits button.
<div id="divAutoSkipNotificationText" class="inputContainer">
<label class="inputLabel" for="AutoSkipNotificationText">
Automatic skip notification message
<input id="AutoSkipNotificationText" type="text" is="emby-input" />
<div class="fieldDescription">
Message shown after automatically skipping an introduction. Leave blank to disable notification.
<button is="emby-button" type="submit" class="raised button-submit block emby-button">
<br />
<fieldset class="verticalSection-extrabottompadding">
<details id="support">
<summary>Support Bundle Info</summary>
<textarea id="supportBundle" rows="20" cols="75" readonly></textarea>
<details id="visualizer">
<summary>Manage Fingerprints</summary>
<br />
<h3 style="margin:0">Select episodes to manage</h3>
<br />
<select id="troubleshooterShow"></select>
<select id="troubleshooterSeason"></select>
<br />
<select id="troubleshooterEpisode1"></select>
<select id="troubleshooterEpisode2"></select>
<br />
<br />
<div id="timestampEditor" style="display:none">
<h3 style="margin:0">Introduction timestamp editor</h3>
<p style="margin:0">All times are in seconds.</p>
<p id="editLeftEpisodeTitle" style="margin-bottom:0"></p>
<input style="width:4em" type="number" min="0" id="editLeftEpisodeStart"> to
<input style="width:4em;margin-bottom:10px" type="number" min="0" id="editLeftEpisodeEnd">
<p id="editRightEpisodeTitle" style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0"></p>
<input style="width:4em" type="number" min="0" id="editRightEpisodeStart"> to
<input style="width:4em;margin-bottom:10px" type="number" min="0" id="editRightEpisodeEnd">
<br />
<br />
<button id="btnUpdateTimestamps" type="button">
Update timestamps
<br />
<div id="timestampErrorDiv" style="display:none">
<textarea id="timestampError" rows="2" cols="75" readonly></textarea>
<br />
<br />
<h3>Fingerprint Visualizer</h3>
Interactively compare the audio fingerprints of two episodes. <br />
The blue and red bar to the right of the fingerprint diff turns blue
when the corresponding fingerprint points are at least 80% similar.
<td style="min-width: 100px; font-weight: bold">Key</td>
<td style="font-weight: bold">Function</td>
<td>Up arrow</td>
Shift the left episode up by 0.128 seconds.
Holding control will shift the episode by 10 seconds.
<td>Down arrow</td>
Shift the left episode down by 0.128 seconds.
Holding control will shift the episode by 10 seconds.
<td>Right arrow</td>
<td>Advance to the next pair of episodes.</td>
<td>Left arrow</td>
<td>Go back to the previous pair of episodes.</td>
<br />
<span>Shift amount:</span>
<input type="number" min="-3000" max="3000" value="0" id="offset">
<br />
<span id="suggestedShifts">Suggested shifts:</span>
<br />
<br />
<canvas id="troubleshooter" style="display:none;"></canvas>
<span id="timestampContainer">
<span id="timestamps"></span> <br />
<span id="intros"></span>
<br />
<br />
<button id="btnEraseSeasonTimestamps" type="button" style="display:none;">
Erase all timestamps for this season
<hr />
<button id="btnEraseIntroTimestamps">
Erase all introduction timestamps (globally)
<br />
<button id="btnEraseCreditTimestamps">
Erase all end credits timestamps (globally)
<script src="configurationpage?name=visualizer.js"></script>
// first and second episodes to fingerprint & compare
var lhs = [];
var rhs = [];
// fingerprint point comparison & miminum similarity threshold (at most 6 bits out of 32 can be different)
var fprDiffs = [];
var fprDiffMinimum = (1 - 6 / 32) * 100;
// seasons grouped by show
var shows = {};
// settings elements
var visualizer = document.querySelector("details#visualizer");
var support = document.querySelector("details#support");
var btnEraseIntroTimestamps = document.querySelector("button#btnEraseIntroTimestamps");
var btnEraseCreditTimestamps = document.querySelector("button#btnEraseCreditTimestamps");
// all plugin configuration fields that can be get or set with .value (i.e. strings or numbers).
var configurationFields = [
// analysis
// playback
// internals
// UI customization
var booleanConfigurationFields = [
// visualizer elements
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas#troubleshooter");
var selectShow = document.querySelector("select#troubleshooterShow");
var selectSeason = document.querySelector("select#troubleshooterSeason");
var selectEpisode1 = document.querySelector("select#troubleshooterEpisode1");
var selectEpisode2 = document.querySelector("select#troubleshooterEpisode2");
var txtOffset = document.querySelector("input#offset");
var txtSuggested = document.querySelector("span#suggestedShifts");
var btnSeasonEraseTimestamps = document.querySelector("button#btnEraseSeasonTimestamps");
var timestampError = document.querySelector("textarea#timestampError");
var timestampEditor = document.querySelector("#timestampEditor");
var btnUpdateTimestamps = document.querySelector("button#btnUpdateTimestamps");
var timeContainer = document.querySelector("span#timestampContainer");
var windowHashInterval = 0;
var autoSkip = document.querySelector("input#AutoSkip");
var skipFirstEpisode = document.querySelector("div#divSkipFirstEpisode");
var autoSkipNotificationText = document.querySelector("div#divAutoSkipNotificationText");
async function autoSkipChanged() {
if (autoSkip.checked) {
skipFirstEpisode.style.display = 'unset';
autoSkipNotificationText.style.display = 'unset';
} else {
skipFirstEpisode.style.display = 'none';
autoSkipNotificationText.style.display = 'none';
autoSkip.addEventListener("change", autoSkipChanged);
var persistSkip = document.querySelector("input#PersistSkipButton");
var showAdjustment = document.querySelector("div#divShowPromptAdjustment");
var hideAdjustment = document.querySelector("div#divHidePromptAdjustment");
// prevent setting unavailable options
async function persistSkipChanged() {
if (persistSkip.checked) {
showAdjustment.style.display = 'none';
hideAdjustment.style.display = 'none';
} else {
showAdjustment.style.display = 'unset';
hideAdjustment.style.display = 'unset';
persistSkip.addEventListener("change", persistSkipChanged);
// when the fingerprint visualizer opens, populate show names
async function visualizerToggled() {
if (!visualizer.open) {
// ensure the series select is empty
while (selectShow.options.length > 0) {
shows = await getJson("Intros/Shows");
var sorted = [];
for (var series in shows) { sorted.push(series); }
for (var show of sorted) {
addItem(selectShow, show, show);
selectShow.value = "";
// fetch the support bundle whenever the detail section is opened.
async function supportToggled() {
if (!support.open) {
// Fetch the support bundle
const bundle = await fetchWithAuth("IntroSkipper/SupportBundle", "GET", null);
const bundleText = await bundle.text();
// Display it to the user and select all
const ta = document.querySelector("textarea#supportBundle");
ta.value = bundleText;
ta.setSelectionRange(0, ta.value.length);
// Attempt to copy it to the clipboard automatically, falling back
// to prompting the user to press Ctrl + C.
try {
Dashboard.alert("Support bundle copied to clipboard");
} catch {
Dashboard.alert("Press Ctrl+C to copy support bundle");
// show changed, populate seasons
async function showChanged() {
btnSeasonEraseTimestamps.style.display = "none";
// add all seasons from this show to the season select
for (var season of shows[selectShow.value]) {
addItem(selectSeason, season, season);
selectSeason.value = "";
// season changed, reload all episodes
async function seasonChanged() {
const url = "Intros/Show/" + encodeURI(selectShow.value) + "/" + selectSeason.value;
const episodes = await getJson(url);
btnSeasonEraseTimestamps.style.display = "unset";
let i = 1;
for (let episode of episodes) {
const strI = i.toLocaleString("en", { minimumIntegerDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 0 });
addItem(selectEpisode1, strI + ": " + episode.Name, episode.Id);
addItem(selectEpisode2, strI + ": " + episode.Name, episode.Id);
setTimeout(() => {
selectEpisode1.selectedIndex = 0;
selectEpisode2.selectedIndex = 1;
}, 100);
// episode changed, get fingerprints & calculate diff
async function episodeChanged() {
if (!selectEpisode1.value || !selectEpisode2.value) {
timestampError.value = "";
canvas.style.display = "none";
lhs = await getJson("Intros/Episode/" + selectEpisode1.value + "/Chromaprint");
if (lhs === undefined) {
timestampError.value += "Error: " + selectEpisode1.value + " fingerprints failed!\n";
} else if (lhs === null) {
timestampError.value += "Error: " + selectEpisode1.value + " fingerprints missing!\n";
rhs = await getJson("Intros/Episode/" + selectEpisode2.value + "/Chromaprint");
if (rhs === undefined) {
timestampError.value += "Error: " + selectEpisode2.value + " fingerprints failed!";
} else if (rhs === null) {
timestampError.value += "Error: " + selectEpisode2.value + " fingerprints missing!\n";
if (timestampError.value == "") {
timestampErrorDiv.style.display = "none";
} else {
timestampErrorDiv.style.display = "unset";
txtOffset.value = "0";
// updates the timestamp editor
async function updateTimestampEditor() {
// Get the title and ID of the left and right episodes
const leftEpisode = selectEpisode1.options[selectEpisode1.selectedIndex];
const rightEpisode = selectEpisode2.options[selectEpisode2.selectedIndex];
// Try to get the timestamps of each intro, falling back a default value of zero if no intro was found
let leftEpisodeIntro = await getJson("Episode/" + leftEpisode.value + "/IntroTimestamps/v1");
if (leftEpisodeIntro === null) {
leftEpisodeIntro = { IntroStart: 0, IntroEnd: 0 };
let rightEpisodeIntro = await getJson("Episode/" + rightEpisode.value + "/IntroTimestamps/v1");
if (rightEpisodeIntro === null) {
rightEpisodeIntro = { IntroStart: 0, IntroEnd: 0 };
// Update the editor for the first and second episodes
timestampEditor.style.display = "unset";
document.querySelector("#editLeftEpisodeTitle").textContent = leftEpisode.text;
document.querySelector("#editLeftEpisodeStart").value = Math.round(leftEpisodeIntro.IntroStart);
document.querySelector("#editLeftEpisodeEnd").value = Math.round(leftEpisodeIntro.IntroEnd);
document.querySelector("#editRightEpisodeTitle").textContent = rightEpisode.text;
document.querySelector("#editRightEpisodeStart").value = Math.round(rightEpisodeIntro.IntroStart);
document.querySelector("#editRightEpisodeEnd").value = Math.round(rightEpisodeIntro.IntroEnd);
// adds an item to a dropdown
function addItem(select, text, value) {
let item = new Option(text, value);
// clear a select of items
function clearSelect(select) {
timestampError.value = "";
timestampErrorDiv.style.display = "none";
timestampEditor.style.display = "none";
timeContainer.style.display = "none";
canvas.style.display = "none";
let i, L = select.options.length - 1;
for (i = L; i >= 0; i--) {
// make an authenticated GET to the server and parse the response as JSON
async function getJson(url) {
return await fetchWithAuth(url, "GET")
.then(r => {
if (r.ok) {
return r.json();
} else {
return null;
.catch(err => {
// make an authenticated fetch to the server
async function fetchWithAuth(url, method, body) {
url = ApiClient.serverAddress() + "/" + url;
const reqInit = {
method: method,
headers: {
"Authorization": "MediaBrowser Token=" + ApiClient.accessToken()
body: body,
if (method === "POST") {
reqInit.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
return await fetch(url, reqInit);
// key pressed
function keyDown(e) {
let episodeDelta = 0;
let offsetDelta = 0;
switch (e.key) {
case "ArrowDown":
if (timestampError.value != "") {
// if the control key is pressed, shift LHS by 10s. Otherwise, shift by 1.
offsetDelta = e.ctrlKey ? 10 / 0.128 : 1;
case "ArrowUp":
if (timestampError.value != "") {
offsetDelta = e.ctrlKey ? -10 / 0.128 : -1;
case "ArrowRight":
episodeDelta = 2;
case "ArrowLeft":
episodeDelta = -2;
if (offsetDelta != 0) {
txtOffset.value = Number(txtOffset.value) + Math.floor(offsetDelta);
if (episodeDelta != 0) {
// calculate the number of episodes remaining in the LHS and RHS episode pickers
const lhsRemaining = selectEpisode1.selectedIndex;
const rhsRemaining = selectEpisode2.length - selectEpisode2.selectedIndex - 1;
// if we're moving forward and the right episode picker is close to the end, don't move.
if (episodeDelta > 0 && rhsRemaining <= 1) {
} else if (episodeDelta < 0 && lhsRemaining <= 1) {
selectEpisode1.selectedIndex += episodeDelta;
selectEpisode2.selectedIndex += episodeDelta;
// check that the user is still on the configuration page
function checkWindowHash() {
const h = location.hash;
if (h === "#!/configurationpage?name=Intro%20Skipper" || h.includes("#!/dialog")) {
console.debug("navigated away from intro skipper configuration page");
document.removeEventListener("keydown", keyDown);
// converts seconds to a readable timestamp (i.e. 127 becomes "02:07").
function secondsToString(seconds) {
return new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString().substr(14, 5);
// erase all intro/credits timestamps
function eraseTimestamps(mode) {
const lower = mode.toLocaleLowerCase();
const title = "Confirm timestamp erasure";
const body = "Are you sure you want to erase all previously discovered " +
mode.toLocaleLowerCase() +
" timestamps?";
(result) => {
if (!result) {
fetchWithAuth("Intros/EraseTimestamps?mode=" + mode, "POST", null);
Dashboard.alert(mode + " timestamps erased");
.addEventListener('pageshow', function () {
ApiClient.getPluginConfiguration("c83d86bb-a1e0-4c35-a113-e2101cf4ee6b").then(function (config) {
for (const field of configurationFields) {
document.querySelector("#" + field).value = config[field];
for (const field of booleanConfigurationFields) {
document.querySelector("#" + field).checked = config[field];
.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {
ApiClient.getPluginConfiguration("c83d86bb-a1e0-4c35-a113-e2101cf4ee6b").then(function (config) {
for (const field of configurationFields) {
config[field] = document.querySelector("#" + field).value;
for (const field of booleanConfigurationFields) {
config[field] = document.querySelector("#" + field).checked;
ApiClient.updatePluginConfiguration("c83d86bb-a1e0-4c35-a113-e2101cf4ee6b", config)
.then(function (result) {
return false;
visualizer.addEventListener("toggle", visualizerToggled);
support.addEventListener("toggle", supportToggled);
txtOffset.addEventListener("change", renderTroubleshooter);
selectShow.addEventListener("change", showChanged);
selectSeason.addEventListener("change", seasonChanged);
selectEpisode1.addEventListener("change", episodeChanged);
selectEpisode2.addEventListener("change", episodeChanged);
btnEraseIntroTimestamps.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
btnEraseCreditTimestamps.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
btnSeasonEraseTimestamps.addEventListener("click", () => {
"Are you sure you want to erase all timestamps for this season?",
"Confirm timestamp erasure",
(result) => {
if (!result) {
const show = selectShow.value;
const season = selectSeason.value;
const url = "Intros/Show/" + encodeURIComponent(show) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(season);
fetchWithAuth(url, "DELETE", null);
Dashboard.alert("Erased timestamps for " + season + " of " + show);
btnUpdateTimestamps.addEventListener("click", () => {
const lhsId = selectEpisode1.options[selectEpisode1.selectedIndex].value;
const newLhsIntro = {
IntroStart: document.querySelector("#editLeftEpisodeStart").value,
IntroEnd: document.querySelector("#editLeftEpisodeEnd").value,
const rhsId = selectEpisode2.options[selectEpisode2.selectedIndex].value;
const newRhsIntro = {
IntroStart: document.querySelector("#editRightEpisodeStart").value,
IntroEnd: document.querySelector("#editRightEpisodeEnd").value,
fetchWithAuth("Intros/Episode/" + lhsId + "/UpdateIntroTimestamps", "POST", JSON.stringify(newLhsIntro));
fetchWithAuth("Intros/Episode/" + rhsId + "/UpdateIntroTimestamps", "POST", JSON.stringify(newRhsIntro));
Dashboard.alert("New introduction timestamps saved");
document.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown);
windowHashInterval = setInterval(checkWindowHash, 2500);
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {
const rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
const y = e.clientY - rect.top;
const shift = Number(txtOffset.value);
let lTime, rTime, diffPos;
if (shift < 0) {
lTime = y * 0.128;
rTime = (y + shift) * 0.128;
diffPos = y + shift;
} else {
lTime = (y - shift) * 0.128;
rTime = y * 0.128;
diffPos = y - shift;
const diff = fprDiffs[Math.floor(diffPos)];
if (!diff) {
timeContainer.style.display = "none";
} else {
timeContainer.style.display = "unset";
const times = document.querySelector("span#timestamps");
// LHS timestamp, RHS timestamp, percent similarity
times.textContent =
secondsToString(lTime) + ", " +
secondsToString(rTime) + ", " +
Math.round(diff) + "%";
timeContainer.style.position = "relative";
timeContainer.style.left = "25px";
timeContainer.style.top = (-1 * rect.height + y).toString() + "px";